Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Life Feels Like a Trick Question

Seriously, I try to live simply and mind my P's and Q's. Stop laughing, seriously people... I really do.. where does that saying come from anyway???

I line my ducks in a row just to know them over and see how they fall. I like things neat and tidy so I can see how the chaos flows .

I really like it when my plans fall together just right and everything works. And it drives me crazy when the plan in my head does not match up to reality. I don't plan things out very often. I'm so seriously not a planner! I buy planners and calendars all the time so I can see how neat and pretty all the boxes and check marks line up. However, I never end up using them for more than a month cause I don't like having to cross things out or leave messy blotches on it.

My plans constantly change, almost as soon as I would write them in a planner. Plus, I don't like to be tied down, I like to go wherever the wind blows. I am a gypsy at heart and cannot stand standing still `;~)

So, I devised a plan. A good plan. An Excellent Plan. I even talked to a trusted friend who doesn't bullshit me and reviewed my plan... Made sure I wasn't blowing smoke out the wrong hole... and we really wouldn't want that. I don't think we need a discussion on smoke holes...

The plan? Get my herb and jewelry business going... There are several things I need in order to do this:

1)Herbs duh... I have herbs, but not in quantities that will provide a decent stock of products. Herbs aren't especially expensive in quantities for home or personal use, but it starts to add up when buying for product stock. So, no problem, I've got tax refund money to use...

Products are ordered and have been awaiting pickup by UPS since Saturday!!! just picked up by UPS!! YAY!!!

2)A working computer that can connect to the internet...

My trusted no-bullshit friend, kindly offered me a used MAC G4. It's not fancy-shmancy, but I just need it to be reliable, handle making labels, fixing photos, getting products uploaded to etsy/ebay, etc... It is perfect for what I need. And of course, it is a MAC, so no problem with getting things set up....

3)A Printer/Scanner... Said friend made recommendations and the reasoning was sound... His recommendations jived with exactly what I wanted...

So, Sunday, I head up the road to pick up the MAC and do a little shopping after my coven workshop... Due to a brainfart miscalculation of location, I end up missing my coven workshop :( So I head to the next stop and pick up the computer. Everything is ready to go, so easy peasy, I'm set and take off.

On the way back home, I realize that it's President's Day Weekend which means LOTS of sales. So, I decide to stop in Best Buy and check out the recommended printers. There is a nice sale that puts the printer I wanted way below what I expected to pay, so I decide to pick it up, along with extra print cartridges and paper supplies...

And happy me goes on my way excited to think I have everything I need to get started...

On the long drive the rest of the way home, I'm planning and thinking of where I'm going to set up the computer and how I'm going to do this and that and do a couple test runs with teh printer/scanner...

So finally, I get home and I'm totally exhausted. Once again, I didn't get any sleep the night before and I've been running non-stop all dang day and it is like 5pm... And now, I have to make about 5 trips up and down those damn 19 steps! I'm so glad I decided not to put the PC in the studio upstairs...

Finally get everything inside and start get everything unpacked...


I try a few things, but nothing is working. So I have to wait until the next day to talk to my wi-fi share person for deets.

Okay, no problem, I can still get the printer set up and test out some stuff there...


Friend is out of town, so I try to think like him, which is literally impossible... But I do come up with a few ideas of what the password would be based on the 'password hint' but no such luck :( Sent email, friend will get back to me on it eventually...

Okay, I totally give up for the night... Watch some TV and veg out for a couple hours.

Thank the Gods, I got some decent sleep last night!!!!



  1. I know what you mean.

    Things like "Best laid plans of mice and men..."


    "We make plans and the Gods laugh."

    run through my head on a daily basis lol.

    Keep on keeping on my friend :).

    Blessed Be \IiiI

  2. Oh, yes, the Gods laugh "with" me all the time...
